Sunday, February 28, 2010

Women's Safety Before P.C.

Some time ago liberals throughout Montgomery County took great pleasure in lambasting me as some sort of closed minded bigots for vociferously objecting to any man, regardless of their sexual preference, having the right to use any ladies room for any reason. It took everything within me to not bellow “I told you so” when incidents occur such as the unfortunate and vile repeated violent rape by a serial rapist in the ladies room of Montgomery College Takoma Park Campus in January 2010. Now the LGBT, and their militant liberal supporters all 2-3% of the population that they are, are again desperately attempting to ram this ridiculous agenda down society’s throat with Maryland House Bill 1022 & Senate Bill 583, notwithstanding the overwhelming rejections by the voters.

I was resoundly criticized for pointing out that serial killers like Hayden Clark routinely dressed as women before stalking their prey, although no one contradict that indisputable fact.

To all supporters of the aforementioned Bills presently before the State Legislators I question how many more violently abused or dead women is it going to take before you realize that the safety of the females of Montgomery County must always trump your absurd desire to pray at the alter of your new age religion Political Correctness?